How Meditation, Journaling, and Nature Can Unlock Your Next Chapter of Fulfillment

In 2018, I realized my life was in a rut. My life lacked purpose. How can the last third of my life be more fulfilling? I had a successful 35-year career as a construction estimator manager for oil/gas and chemical companies. I was responsible for developing the cost to engineer, manage, and build new refineries and chemical facilities globally. I enjoyed the pressure and influence of this role, but I could see the leadership was going to replace me with someone younger. I did not know when or how. I started looking for what I would do in retirement. Was I too old to start something different?

I've written in a journal daily since 1990. The habit of daily journal writing and meditation are small, consistent steps, but this is what leads to significant breakthroughs in our lives. It occurred to me that this question of value had nothing to do with my age.

I've had a daily spiritual meditation practice for the past twenty-five years. This practice nourishes my well-being, productivity, and reaching personal goals. Most days, I drive to the Houston Zen Center to sit for 30 minutes and 10 walking meditation in a group setting. On the weekends, I meditate at home in a corner of our bedroom, crafted to support my meditation practice. Sitting in meditation is where my mind's chaos and silence coexist to give me the room to listen to the universe. During meditation, because you are trying to be of present mind, there can be clarity when the meditation session is over. And unexpectedly, the bigger question revealed itself: How can I bring value to retirement? That is the powerful benefit of meditation; you get these unexpected little gifts without any warning.

I had been reading a book by Deepak Chopra titled The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Deepak stressed the value of communing with nature. Observing nature allows us to align with nature's intelligence and fulfill our dreams and desires. I decided to add this element of sitting quietly in nature to my spiritual practice.

When I coupled communing with nature and meditation the feeling of being a storyteller swelled up inside of me. I looked back at my life. As a young man, I made a living as a full-time magician. That was such a great time in my life. Every magic trick has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. You are basically telling a story each time you perform a trick. Interestingly, in 2018, I started playing with a story that I eventually submitted to a short story contest. I got a reply from the contest organizer suggesting that I turn this story into a novel.


I found my retirement plan. I wanted to tell stories again, but this time, using literary fiction. This path has been one of the best decisions I have ever made to nurture my happiness. I am finishing my third novel.

I don't want you to wait until your late fifties to ask yourself these deeper questions. I want you to stop right now and ask yourself: Are you living the life you want to live?

If you are not sure, then I want to empower you to sit quietly for twenty minutes daily. Be intentional about where you sit. A space in nature, away from city noises, is optimal, like a park, an arboretum, or a botanical center. For those living in cities where it is difficult to escape city noises, bring your headphones and search for nature sounds to listen to while you commune with nature. If you can't find a place outside, then a quiet space in your home can be a great alternative. Pay attention to how the universe responds. See what continues to come up the most during this time.

Secondly, consider starting a meditation practice. This step is helpful because it makes you mindful of being in the present and appreciate each moment.

A daily meditation practice and journal writing effort supported with regularly silently sitting in nature has revealed a new path that has been a welcomed addition to my life. This approach can do the same for you.


Paving New Paths: Finding Strength In Change


How Quiet Reflection and Meditation Changed My Life"